Well-written books begin with in-depth knowledge

A neatly arranged workspace with a laptop, a tablet, and a smartphone on a wooden desk. An open notebook with a pen lies in front of the laptop. A desk lamp illuminates the scene, casting a soft glow. Two cups of coffee, a potted plant, and office supplies, including binders and a pen holder, are also on the desk. A small wall clock is visible in the background.

Instructor: Andrea Hurst

Course Price: Free

Course Summary:

What a developmental edit covers and how it helps authors polish their manuscripts.

Developmental Editing from an Agent’s Point of View, & Query Letters and Agent Submission Tips

Instructor: Andrea Hurst


Crafting Fiction That Sells–An Agent’s Point of View

There are areas fiction authors often overlook when writing and selling their novels.  One is to underestimate the importance of developmental editing.

A polished and professionally crafted manuscript has a higher chance of success during the pitching process. When an agent reviews a book for possible representation, they assess the quality of the writing and the intensity of the story, as well as the potential for it to sell to publishers. Whether you have just started writing your novel or memoir, are ready to seek an agent or publisher, or plan to self-publish, your manuscript must hook readers from the first page, and keep their attention through the last.

In this class, taught from a publishing professional’s point of view, Andrea discusses what a developmental edit covers and how it helps authors polish their manuscripts.  Additionally, she shares developmental editing tips to create the strongest manuscript to compete in the commercial marketplace of Crime Fiction.

This type of edit is very effective for addressing the literary content of a manuscript, from finding plot holes, fixing structure, and fleshing out character arcs, to making sure your book fits the target market and genre.

This session also covers writing an effective query letter and the process of pitching an agent.

Registration – FREE

Instructor: Andrea Hurst

When: May 18, 2024 at 1 P.M. EST

About Andrea Hurst

Andrea Hurst is the Founder and President of Andrea Hurst & Associates Literary Management. As a literary agent and developmental editor, Andrea brings over 25 years of experience in the publishing industry. She has worked with major publishers, both domestic and international. Read More…


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