Instructor: Susan Hatters Friedman
Course Price: $99.00
Course Summary:
In this illuminating session, acclaimed forensic and perinatal psychiatrist, Susan Hatters Friedman, M.D., describes common misunderstandings about her field of forensic psychiatry when it appears in crime fiction.
Expired/Currently Unavailable
Forensic Psychiatry, Murder, LAPD Lipstick, & Memorable Characters
Instructor: Susan Hatters Friedman
April 24, 2021 – $99
*To receive your link to access this course, please fully complete the registration by clicking each button at the top right of the page (Meet Your Instructors and Zoom Access & Schedule). At the bottom of each of those pages check “Complete.” Completing these steps provides access to the Zoom link for this course.
Schedule and Class order:
(All times are EST)
10:30 – Login and Test
10:45 – Welcome
11:00 – 12:20
Forensic Psychiatry and Crime Fiction: Correcting the Top 10 Myths
Instructor, Susan Hatters Friedman, M.D.
In this illuminating session, acclaimed forensic and perinatal psychiatrist, Susan Hatters Friedman, M.D., describes common misunderstandings about her field of forensic psychiatry when it appears in crime fiction. These include:
- confusion between forensic psychiatry and psychology
- misunderstandings about forensic hospitals
- how confidentiality works in forensic evaluations
- psychiatrists testifying about their patients
- whether people look left when they are lying
- how malingering is determined
- how forensic psychiatrists get paid
- what insanity means legally
- what incompetency means legally
12:20 – 12:50
12:50 – 2:10
Murder for Real—Adding Realism to Your Mystery Writing
Instructor, Bruce Robert Coffin
Former detective sergeant and award-winning author Bruce Robert Coffin shares his years of experience as supervisor of homicide and violent crimes investigations. This workshop is filled to the brim with behind-the-scenes law enforcement information. This class, taught by one of the best in the business, is certain to help writers create stories that rise to the highest levels.
The CSI effect. What is it and why it doesn’t fly in high-end writing?
* Evidence gathering (the real deal).
* Cold Cases. What are they and how are they investigated?
* First response vs. CID (two worlds-two goals)
* Dealing with the media.
* Hierarchy and chain of command.
* Job stressors and how cops cope (or don’t).
* Telling lies (everybody does it).
2:20 – 3:40
A Badge, a Gun, and Lipstick: A Female Perspective of Working Patrol on the Mean Streets of Los Angeles
Instructor, former LAPD Senior Lead Officer Kathy Bennett
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be in a high-speed chase and then be involved in a shoot-out at the pursuit termination? Do you think the cop who gave you a traffic citation was wrong? Do you know what it’s like to tell a mother her only child was killed in a traffic collision? Well, Kathy Bennett experienced all these things and more. In her presentation she’ll reveal candid information of the life of a street cop. Kathy is also happy to answer those burning questions you have but were afraid to ask.
3:50 – 4:50
How to use Research and Making Characters Memorable
Instructor, Charlaine Harris
Author extraordinaire Charlaine Harris, whose Sookie Stackhouse novels were the basis of the television series “True Blood,” reveals the secrets to using research to craft unique characters. This is a rare opportunity for writers at all stages of their careers.
Final words
Category: Live Class
This class is expired.
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